Monday, October 22, 2012

2012 State Pageant - Introduction/Interview Competition

 I got to go talk with these great girls as they were preparing for the Personal Introduction Competition. They were sitting in number order so I went around to try to talk with almost all of them. Some were all smiles and excited, others I could tell were nervous too. I remember being quite nervous before going on stage last year.

 I took the stage first and introduced each contestant by number and handed them the microphone. Then they would give their 30 second intro and then hand the microphone back to me.

After all of the contestants had a chance to give their personal introductions and were seated back in their section,  with all the parents still in their seats, I gave my Nationals Introduction, 60 seconds long. I gave a big smile, looked at all the judges and just started. I remembered everything, with all the right timing and pauses -- my mom said it was the best I had ever given it. So confident and in control. Maybe it was because I knew I wasn't being judged this time. I was just being me!
 Afterwards, the girls had their Personal Interviews with the judges. I helped guide them to and from the judging rooms. Then they had to quickly get changed again. Still time for a photo with some of my new friends!

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